Free Compost & Tree Giveaway

Free Compost & Tree Giveaway

Free Compost & Tree Giveaway join us this Saturday October 15th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. We will behaving this event at the Shafter Court House parking lot. Please bring your own bag, bucket, or container for your compost. We will also be giving away a nutless Pistachio Tree. **Limit one per household while supplies last.**

Contact Us

1316 ā€˜Jā€ Street, Wasco, CA 93280
661-758-5363 fax
Request Service - Residential
Request Service - Commercial

Hours of Operation

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7am to 4pm
Scale Hours: Mon-Fri 7am to 4pm
Closed Sat & Sun
