Thanksgiving Recycle Tips
Happy Thanksgiving! We have created this small guide to help you avoid contamination this holiday season. We have given some examples on the contamination we see most in your recycle and organics cart.
Kern Household Hazardous Waste Event
Kern County is holding a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event Saturday, February 11 from 9am to 1pm. The event is being held at the Shafter- Waste landfill located at 17621 Scofield Ave. This is a FREE event. Accepted materails are batteries, motor oil, paints, light bulbs, sharps, pool chemicals, automotive products, cleaning products and more!
Wasco Bulky Waste Drop- off Event
Joins us this Saturday for the City of Wasco's bulky item drop off event. The event is being held at Barker Park from 9 am to 12 pm. This event is free of cost. If you do not have a way of transporting your bulky items you can give code complaince a call at 661-758-7216 or 661-758-7213.
Free Compost & Tree Giveaway
Free Compost & Tree Giveaway join us this Saturday October 15th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. We will behaving this event at the Shafter Court House parking lot. Please bring your own bag, bucket, or container for your compost. We will also be giving away a nutless Pistachio Tree. **Limit one per household while supplies last.**
Bulky Waste Collection Event
Join us Saturday, October 15 at the Shafter Court parking lot at 329 Central Valley Hwy from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Bring all your unwanted bulky items for FREE.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
The Shafter- Wasco landfill is holding a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. It is being held Saturday, August 13, 2022 from 9 am to 1 pm.
Educational Workshop 3- Cart Refuse Service
City of Shafter residents join us in learning about the new 3 cart refuse service. Two available workshops!
Thursday, July 14 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM at Mannel Park and Saturday, July 16 from 9:00 - 10:00 AM at Veterans Park.
Compost Giveaway
Join American Refuse for our first ever Compost Giveaway! We will be located at the Shafter Youth Center 455 East Euclid Ave. Shafter CA from 8 am - 10 am. Please bring a bucket, bag, or container for your compost.
Mandatory Commercial Recycling - Spanish
El Condado de Kern ha mandado una carta a clientes que caen bajo las leyes AB 341 y AB 1826. La carta le deja sabe cómo cumplir con la normative y que son las 2 yardas de basura.
Mandatory Commercial Recycling
Kern County has sent out a letter to customers that fall under AB 341 and AB 1826. The letter lets you know how to become compliant and what 2 yards of trash looks like.
Shafter Recoleccion de Articulos de Basura Grande
La ciudad de Shafter está celebrando un evento de recolección de residuos voluminosos. Venga y deje sus desechos no deseados Gratis. El evento se llevará a cabo en el Shafter Aquatic Center 269 Poso Ave de 8 am a 12 pm.
Shafter Bulky Waste Collection Event
The City of Shafter is holding a drive- in bulky waste collection event. Come and drop off your unwanted waste for Free. The event is being held at the Shafter Aquatic Center 269 Poso Ave from 8 am - 12 pm.
Shafter - Wasco HHW
Kern County is holding a Household Hazardous Waste event on Saturday, August 14, 2021. Bring in any hazardous waste you have from 9 am to 1 pm. The event is being held at the Shafter - Waste landfill 17621 Scofield Ave.
Household Hazardous Waste
Do you ever question where you can take your
Household Hazardous Waste? Household Hazardous Waste are things such as batteries, paints, cleaning products, fluorescent bulbs, pool chemicals, and aerosol cans.
Shafter Bulky Waste Collection Event
The City of Shafter is holding a bulky waste collection event Saturday, March 20th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Drive in and drop off your unwanted household items. Be sure to wear your mask.